Weekend Fly-By

This weekend seriously went by in a blur, and I don’t think that’s a good thing. I did get a ton of stuff done, but the next couple weeks are going to be very hectic, so I’m getting a little nervous.

I’m a volunteer for the AHEPA Marrow Basketball Tournament, which takes place March 9-13. The purpose of the tournament is help raise funds so we can do more drives to find matches for cancer patients in need of a perfect bone marrow match. I’m in charge of most of the tournament book, conducting drives and clock/book during games. Getting everything done in time is always a struggle, but I’ll do my best.

On Friday, I got suckered into giving Paul a ride downtown to meet his friends at a bar. They left at about 7 p.m. and Paul wasn’t even near ready yet. It only took 25 minutes there and 25 minutes back, but after driving 1 1/2 hours to get to and from work everyday, I just hate being in the car.


After that little trip, I had a girls night with two of my besties. We watched “Life as We Know it,” had some mixed drinks and a box of Wheat Thins. The movie was still adorable, even though I had already seen it before. Nights like this are my favorite. I’d much rather sit indoors with friends than go out to a crazy club. Plus, I can wear sweats!

I made a delicious vegetable, egg and feta bowl on Friday. I scrambled up a couple of egg whites, and sauteed my favorite vegetables in olive oil. I topped it all off with feta.

I’ve got yellow peppers, olives, spinach, hearts of palm and tomatoes. This dish could very well become a regular.

It was Paul’s brother’s birthday on Saturday, so we had a little get-together at Paul’s.

Chowing down

We stuffed ourselves with spicy chicken wings, biscuit and good old French fries.

It was extremely unhealthy, but extremely delicious. Paul is standing on a stair below me here, that’s why I look so much taller!

On Saturday night, I went with my family to the social event to kick off the basketball tournament. It was at this cute new restaurant in Boy’s Town called Kanela. They served appetizers that were really delicious, and we got the first drink on the house. I was really happy that we had a decent showing there, and we raised more than $100 in donations!

Instead of my typical Sunday, in which I just lounge around, I went all the way to the South side to watch my brother’s championship basketball game for the church league he plays in. They ended up losing by about 10, but my brother played pretty well. I know he took the loss really hard, just like me. Since he’s only a junior, he’ll have next year to play, also. Maybe they can get the big W then!

Now I’m off to watch the Oscar’s, eat some pizza (I promise to eat healthy all week!) and catch up on blogs!

Do you volunteer for any organizations? Do you have a favorite chick flick? How do you get yourself back on track after a weekend of unhealthy eating?

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36 Responses to Weekend Fly-By

  1. Katy says:

    Girl that sounds like a very busy, but fun weekend! I love girls nights, they make me so happy. I think my soul needs them, haha.

    That’s so funny about Paul standing on the step below you! It made me giggle!! Have a great week!

  2. Tara says:

    Fun weekend! It sounds like you got some quality time with a lot of people!

    LOVE Two Weeks Notice with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. Pride & Predjuice is probably my favorite chick flick.

    I always make a plan to get back on track with my eating. I don’t beat myself up about it. Usually I enjoyed what I ate so there’s no point in focusing on it. I plan out my meals for the next week and make a plan to STICK to it! Good luck girl!

  3. I always just put the weekend (or day behind me) and whip my slate clean. It seems to work well for me. There have been certain weekends that it hasn’t. and I have spiraled for a couple weeks but I just remind myself that I can’t lose a pound in a day and you can’t gain it back either.

  4. Looks like you had a lot of fun! 😀

    PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!!! I absolutely love it! 😀

    I like to make sure I don’t beat myself up for it (which sometimes can be hard). I view it as remember the past, but move forward. I consider it a rare splurge and continue eating healthy. 🙂


  5. Gina says:

    A cup of Yogi Detox tea and lots of veggies is my way of breaking my sweet tooth and getting back on track!

  6. ahh I didnt know that movie was out im so excited I have been wanting to see it!

  7. Jenny says:

    I didn’t know that movie was out yet, I definitely need to check it out. I just try to move on with my “cheats” and not worry too much about the damage but then again easier said that done. You can’t really dwell on it plus its mostly water weight. I just don’t weigh myself for awhile lol

  8. Sounds like a blast! Weekends are for indulging 🙂 I always like to get back on track with a workout and tons of veggies.

    I typically like all chick flicks 🙂 Have a great night girl! xoxo

  9. Sounds like a fun weekend. My best way to get back on track is to start the day with my usual healthy breakfast. For some reason starting the day off as normal as possible helps me keep the rest of the day on track.

  10. ALL weekends go by in a blur! Sounds like a good time though!

  11. Kristina says:

    I watched that movie on the plane, I didn’t have high expectations but thought it was cute with a couple laugh out loud moments…
    I try and volunteer whenever possible, usually i end up hearing about the events after the fact though-I should add that to my list of things I want to improve on!

  12. Meri says:

    I love hearts of palm- I don’t know anyone else who likes them! And the basketball event you’re volunteering for sounds really cool. Enjoy it!

  13. enjoy the pizzza! you’re getting almost all your food groups in it! =) (my fav excuse!)

    girls nights in are sooo much fun but I think i’m a little too hyper b/c I love the wild nights out too! not too often though b/c im old and my liver can’t take it 😉

    happy sunday!

  14. vixter2010 says:

    Sounds a fun weekend, I love a girlie night too. Love chick flicks, my fave is A Walk to Remember 🙂

  15. i think that’s awesome you’re volunteering, what a great cause! only thing i’m taking part in right now is the church choir and haha….i can’t sing a note! (no seriously.)

    speaking of unhealthy eating, i gotta get myself back on track ASAP. for detox, i pretty much just cut back on carbs (my body just doesn’t want them) and i usually feel better in a few days. chick flicks?? hmm….maybe The Devil Wears Prada?? 🙂

  16. Shoshana says:

    Looks like you had an awesome weekend! YUM – now that’s a delicious veggie bowl!

  17. Kat says:

    I LOVED that movie!! I cried so hard when their friends died though. So so sad 😦 But Josh is freakin SMOKIN in that movie 😉

  18. Our posts are pretty similar today! I pigged out all weekend – but I can’t stress about it – because I swear that makes me get fat haha 🙂 I’m starting to volunteer for a domestic violence program; my training starts this Saturday and I’m looking forward to the experience!

  19. Haha sometimes you just gotta have an unhealthy delicious meal 😉

    I’m a volunteer coach for kindergarden cheerleading! It’s super fun!!! I also volunteer at my church for a homeless program. Volunteering is such a great way to get involved and meet people!

  20. Ellie says:

    Hey, sometimes unhealthy eating is what we need! 😛 What a productivve and fun weekend Sophia! love it. I bet you guys have the best feasts too! Being greek and alll 😀

  21. Sounds like you had a great weekend girl!!

  22. Girl’s nights are the best! I love chick flicks! I really like You’ve Got Mail, Ever After, When Harry Met Sally – really anything. Hey, eating unhealthy for a weekend is allowed! I am going to need advice on how to eat healthy after a week of eating like crap!

  23. Olivia says:

    I’ve never seen that movie but it sounds super cute! I’m all for movie nights too…most of my girl friends would rather stay in but unfortunately most of the guys like the parties! 😉 That egg and feta bowl looks outstanding btw! I made a feta, veggie and cream cheese omelet over the weekend and it was AWESOME!
    And after a weekend of crap food, I usually find myself craving veggies and whole grains like crazy, so I just put the past behind me and move forward. Always seems to work:)

  24. I LOVE chick flicks! I’ll have to rent that one – I’ve heard it was cute!

  25. Kace says:

    I love girls nights in. I am so with you on the sweats; plus then you can catch up with people instead of screaming over loud music!

  26. quirkyrunner says:

    I totally agree with you….girlie nights in are the best! 🙂

  27. Sounds like a great weekend! What a great cause you volunteer for! After a weekend of gorging, I just make sure my butt gets back in the gym Monday and I eat clean as I normally would!

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  29. why is it weekends go in a flash and weeks drag along?? great post 🙂

  30. This Italian Family says:

    I really wanna see “Life as we Know it”! It looks SO good!

  31. alex says:

    girls just want to have fun.

    my favorite chick flick ever.

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